Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Wow! I have to say that Dr. Farid Boulad just blew me away! He was so interesting and his expertise is amazing. I am so confused on "where" to go now.......before this week I was about 90% leaning toward Cincy. I think I have ruled out Minnesota (but maybe not), only because I feel just as confident that Will can get the same quality of care in Cincinnati. Since we have been going to Cincinnati for six years, we are comfortable there and it feels good. Now, out of nowhere comes NEW YORK!

One thing about NY that I didn't care for was the Ronald McDonald House. I know that beggars can't be choosers, but I have stayed at two other RMD's and I have to tell you this just didn't do it for me. It was rather dreary and not at all open and inviting. It was nothing like Cincy or Minnesota. The rooms were "okay" as far as that goes, but they would definitely have to have a good cleaning! There was "mold" on our shower curtain. The decor was dark.......I really didn't feel comfortable there.

Also, I can't believe how much money I spent! I mean all the siteseeing we did was free, so how is it that I spent a ton of cash??? TAXI's! They are outragious! Food is way over priced too. I am not sure I can afford to take Will to transplant in NY!

Dr. Boulad was incredible! He is such a kid person. Will really like him a lot. He went into great detail about the transplant and how he is just a little bit different from the others. He really explained a lot about T-cells, in great detail. He also explained how he doesn't use steriods as long as the other centers. I mean he was awesome!

I think it works to our benefit that he and Dr. Gilman have worked together. Dr. Gilman is located here in Charlotte and will be our follow up care (I hope). I haven't broken the news to him that we have decided not to have it done at Levine's, but I would love to still have him on Will's local care team. I hope that works out.

Then......there's Cincinnati! We LOVE them there. We love the hospital, the city, the people, the RMH.....everything! Why am I so hesitant to just confirm Cincy???? I don't know? I mean I love why can't I just go with that? I am so confused! I really love Dr. Davies and Dr. Smith from Cincy too.

I am just going to pray about it and see where I am led. I will keep you posted!


1 comment:

Charisse said...

When is the transplant going to be booked for?
Love Charisse