Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well have gotten myself in such a bind, and I am not sure what to do next. I hate that so many things in this world have to revolve around the mighty dollar. Everyone says money can't buy happiness, but it sure can cause a lot of pain and frustration. Why? Why must I worry about things like Insurance, mortgage, child support, bills, groceries.......and everyday expenses?

Why is it that a man will create a fictitious company and have half his income paid out to that company....just to avoid paying child support? Why is it that a man can own FOUR houses, TWO cars, a van, a boat, a jet ski and God knows what else.....but he doesn't pay his child support on time and doesn't pay nearly enough consider his net worth?? Why doesn't he ever see his son, or take an interest in his life? Why doesn't he care that his son is about to go through a HORRIBLE experience of having a bone marrow transplant? I will NEVER understand!

Since I lost my job at BOA and all the benefits that go with it my finances have taking a beating. I have been out of work over the past 5 months about 2 weeks without pay. I have traveled to Cincinnati, spent money I didn't have and then had to pay for medication that is now finally approved through insurance.

I am just VERY frustrated right now. I know things will get better, but right now I need to just have a good cry (and maybe a cigarette).

This too will pass.....

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