Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve! This season has been unlike any other, and it seems that I have not really had time to enjoy the holiday time like I usually do. I absolutely love Christmas. I love everything about it. I love shopping for the people I care about the most, and bringing joy to others. I usually have cards ready to go by December 1st and by this time we have usually gone to McAdenville at least 5 - 10 times and either driven or walked through. So far we have rode through once.

In the past when I was with the bank, we are usually slow and by December 15th it is quite and pretty much dead. I forgot what working in a Hotel was like during the Holidays and how it is rush rush with no time to do anything other than work. I have NEVER, and mean NEVER worked on Christmas, but this Christmas morning I will be in my office putting in my four hours in order to get paid. Same goes for Christmas Eve. I will be working until 4pm, after which we will rush to visit friends and then rush to Church.

My favorite service is the Christmas Eve candle light service. We always try to attend the late service. To me there is nothing quite like going to church on Christmas Eve, knowing that when it is over it is Christmas Day. I love singing Silent Night and seeing all the candles glowing. There is a peacefulness about that I am hoping I feel this year, since there hasn't been a lot of peacefulness lately.

I am trying so hard to have a good attitude and get in the spirit, but it is really difficult with all the stress. I somehow have to find a way to find that special place inside that I am missing. Seems like there is a lot missing, but I have to focus on the positive because in reality there is a lot of positive.

My kids are happy and we have such a great bond. My son is healthy and once again by the grace of God his counts are climbing upward. A friend of mine was visiting at my house and she commented on how much love there is in my home. I felt so bad for sometimes forgetting that, and for letting "life" get in the way. It's powerful to hear that from someone who comes in from the outside and looks in.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year! I hope we can all learn how to slow down and live life and really enjoy it without all the distractions. I am going to make a commit to myself to get back to being ME and that starts by renewing my relationship with God.

I feel like I have lost myself along the way and in doing so I have lost a lot of what is important. I am not sure how, but somehow I am going to get back to that place....the 4th day.



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