Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Freking New Year.....and all that....

Another year has come and gone, and to honest I can’t say that I am sad to see it go. This has been one of the worst years of my life. In the course of one year
1. I have lost my job and had to take a another job with a HUGE difference in pay
2. Patrick and I broke up and shattered any dreams of building a life with him and his family
3. I have found myself in a financial bind that seems like a bottomless pit
4. I had a huge scare when it appeared that Will was beginning to lost his response to Oxandrolone which prompted a round of visit to several of the transplant centers to discuss next steps
5. I have gained over 30lbs mostly due to stress and coming off of my antidepressants and hardly have anything that fits
6. I have started a new job that has an unbelievable amount of stress and uncertainty
7. I have broken my laptop
8. I have had numerous things around the house to break including the oven, dishwasher, front glass door, weather stripping, and more I am sure.
9. I was unable to go to VDC, which is something I was so looking forward too
10. I was introduced to the wonderful world of COBRA!!!
11. and to top it all off I have found myself in such a rut in my relationship with God that I am not sure how to overcome

Needless to say it’s been on hell of a year!

I know what most will say, focus on the positive and think about all the great things I do have for example I have two beautiful children who love me so much. Will is doing so great with the increase in his dosage that his counts are better than expected. I have a lot to be thankful for and please don’t get me wrong, I AM SO GRATEFUL but sometimes you just need to sulk a little and have a “why me” heart to heart with yourself. I think reflecting on what I will call one of the worst years ever will ultimate help me regroup and focus on how to move forward.

So what’s the motto going to be for 2009? Feeling Fine in 2009? Let It Shine in 09? Speak Your Mind in 2009? Let’s Realign in 09? Or maybe “Drink More Wine in 2009!?!

Whatever the motto is, I am looking forward to moving on because no matter what they say it wasn’t all that great in 2008!

Happy New Year!


ADA said...

Wanted to let you know I read your blog this morning, and it helps to know what FA families have to cope with. Am glad to hear that Will is doing better.

Mary Ann Fiaschetti said...

You are a wealthy woman. You are beautiful not just on the outside but more importantly on the inside. The love that radiates from your family enriches all of us in the FAmily. Even though things are tough, it teaches the three of you what really is important in life. Better days will come in 2009. Hang in there. Many hugs and blessings in the new year,
Mary Ann (Peter's Mom)
PS Too bad we couldn't have Camp Sunshine more than once a year. We all need the pick-me-up it gives us to survive until the next trip.

Charisse said...

Hi Kayla,
I know this update was a long while ago but I still wanted to let you know I had read it. I had no idea you had such a tough time last year. I am really sorry to hear of your break up and all the other things that happened. You are right, we all need some time to feel sorry for ourselves and there is nothing wrong with that.
God can change things just like that. I have found God to be most reliable whether I feel close or not. I pray that 2009 has been going better for you.
Love Charisse