Monday, January 25, 2010

been awhile.....

It's been awhile since I last posted. In going back and re-reading several of my previous posting I have noticed a theme.....I seem like a very lonely person! I find that interesting because I don't consider myself lonely, but I do feel a lone sometimes. I consider myself very blessed and I can usually find something good about just every situation.

I have come to realize that something is indeed missing from my life. For years now I have thought that "something" was a husband. Someone to travel this path with, someone to depend on, someone to be there for me no matter what, someone who would love me as much as I love them. This is what every girl dreams of, isn't it??

I don't know when it hit me, or why I never really noticed it but all of those things I have been waiting for, dreaming of and missing for so long have been right in front of me that whole time!! I do have someone who is with me at all times and who will never foresake me. His name is Jesus and I haven't been as faithful or committed to him as I should have been, yet he understands and he forgives me.

I feel like I am on the virge of something big. Like something is about to happen in my life, and it's exciting! I am overwhelmed with a since of love and compassion and I am thirsty for more knowledge. I want to be a better person, a better mother, a better Christian. I want to experience God's grace on a deeper level than ever before and I want to share his love with others.

I am beginning to understand what happiness truly feels like. It's a good feeling!

I am not saying I won't have those days.....I will....but I am learning that I don't have to do this alone, and I am beginning to understand that I never was.

Will Power


Unknown said...

God Bless you Kayla!!! I miss you and hope to see you soon. Jesus is with all of us,helping us fight this battle with FA and what life has to throw our way. But we are not ever alone and we can do all things through Jesus. Keep the faith alive and watch the blessings and miricals happen. Love you and call me.
Lori Petersen

Yayabon said...

Somehow I stumbled across this when I was reading the update on Will. You don't know me, but I go to church with Mike and Brenda...very sweet people! I learned of Will and his page from Brenda and did send a message once a while back. BTW, I hope Will's birthday was amazing!Now, back to you: I just wanted to say that I am always thrilled to see words like you wrote on this blog because that means I have yet another sister in Christ somewhere on this earth. My heart goes out to you as a mom and grandmother. What I am going to tell you now may seem very trivial. In fact, I hesitate to even write it. But I just wanted you to know that I prayed for you today. My daughter, who is 28 caled me yesterday morning to tell me that she had been throwing up all night long. She sounded horrible. She has 3 girls of her own who are 8, 5, and 2. I had 3 who are all a year apart. So I know how very busy her life is. But I digress. So anyway, I know how my heart just ached all day that I had to be at work and could not be there for her to help her out. All I could do was pray that God would heal her and give her strength and make it only a virus and not something serious! You see, we nurses tend to fear any symptom may be something serious, especially if it is coming from someone we love! But today when I read your blog, I realized with just that little bleep in my life yesterday of feeling so helpless, just a miniscule twinge of what you must feel every single day! I know that God is always there for us and He will supply all our needs-emotional, physical, and spiritual. I don't have answers as to why we have to travel the roads we travel in life. I know that as I study Scripture, the common thread of all God's chosen people was for them to grow in knowledge and in love of Who He is and to depend on Him for everything. So I am so happy that you are there. And yes, there are many days that will still be dark. But somehow God gives extra portions of His mercy and grace on those days. Didn't mean to go on and on like this. But just know that I prayed for you today. Maybe today was a day when you needed someone to bring your name to the throne of grace. I wish you a peace-filled happy life as a mom who obviously loves her child and fights the good fight toward the goal of winning the battle set before you!

Teresa said...

I love it. (((hugs)))