Monday, January 25, 2010

been awhile.....

It's been awhile since I last posted. In going back and re-reading several of my previous posting I have noticed a theme.....I seem like a very lonely person! I find that interesting because I don't consider myself lonely, but I do feel a lone sometimes. I consider myself very blessed and I can usually find something good about just every situation.

I have come to realize that something is indeed missing from my life. For years now I have thought that "something" was a husband. Someone to travel this path with, someone to depend on, someone to be there for me no matter what, someone who would love me as much as I love them. This is what every girl dreams of, isn't it??

I don't know when it hit me, or why I never really noticed it but all of those things I have been waiting for, dreaming of and missing for so long have been right in front of me that whole time!! I do have someone who is with me at all times and who will never foresake me. His name is Jesus and I haven't been as faithful or committed to him as I should have been, yet he understands and he forgives me.

I feel like I am on the virge of something big. Like something is about to happen in my life, and it's exciting! I am overwhelmed with a since of love and compassion and I am thirsty for more knowledge. I want to be a better person, a better mother, a better Christian. I want to experience God's grace on a deeper level than ever before and I want to share his love with others.

I am beginning to understand what happiness truly feels like. It's a good feeling!

I am not saying I won't have those days.....I will....but I am learning that I don't have to do this alone, and I am beginning to understand that I never was.

Will Power