Tuesday, July 29, 2008


This has certainly been a week of tears! I just finished watching Primetime. It was a tribute to Randy Pausch and his life. What an incredible man. I first watched his "Last Lecture" a few months ago. I was touched so much. This man who was dying, standing on stage talking about life and living it! I have done nothing tonight but cry as I watched him live out the final months of his life, with his loving wife and children.

He said something about how it's not the hand your dealt, but how you play it. What a great outlook. I wish I could be more like him and find that positive attitude that some say I am known for. It's just not there right now, but I know it's in there somewhere.

If you were to look at my house it is a mess. It has been for quite some time now. I don't have any desire to clean it up. I don't have a desire to workout, to go anywhere or to do anything. I am just "blah" right now.

To be really honest, I have stopped taking my antidepressant medicine. It's been about a month in a half and I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I never really thought I needed it, but now I wonder. I stopped taking it because this crappy insurance I have at work won't cover it and it's over $300 a month. I know that may not be a good reason to some, but for someone who literally lives paycheck to paycheck that's the best I can do. Hopefully I will level out at things will get back to normal (whatever that is).

We are heading to Cincinnati on Thursday. Will has appointments on Friday and then back home on Saturday. It's busy, and it doesn't help being out of work (no PTO), but we need to be there so we're going. Camp Sunshine is next week, which is another 3 days out of work. Sorry if I am harping on money, but that is a big issue right now.

Will seems to be feeling okay. He had two nose bleeds two days in a row. That really concerns me. It seems to happen when he is swimming for some reason. Other than that he is doing good.

I hope to get the book "The Last Lecture" soon. I hope maybe it will help me get back on track, not only for my sake but for Will's too.

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